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Self Help


Access To Work

Ability Net

Low Vision Aids

Macular Disease




Communication 2




Return to Work

Occupation Health

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Tips 2

Whether you have had a sudden onset of a visual or hearing problem or a chronic condition has deteriorated, you may suffer from a degree of depression.

The loss not only of one of your senses but also the possibility of job loss, wages and social standing, can all add up to cause depression.

Each individual will react differently. Mine was to create this information pack, all of which I discovered over the last year since I suffered a sudden loss of visual acuity.

The RNIB and RNID can provide counselling.

For visual impairment caused by macular disease the macular Disease Society provide support and contact with others in a similar situation.

Dealing with depression may need professional help, either from your G.P. or more in depth counselling. Ultimately there is unlikely to be a cure for your loss and so learning to cope aand find new strategies for dealing with life are probably the only answer.