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The Bigger Picture

At the Conservative Conference in 2005, I took the opportunity to address Conference, as follows:

Chairman, Conference,

We aspire to lead this nation. What have we to offer by way of hope? What vision do we have for the future of this once great nation? What picture can we paint to hold up before the people?

Let me paint you a picture:

At the base of this picture, running the whole length of the canvas, and supporting the whole of the rest of the picture, is the Christian heritage of many centuries, which underpins the system of government and the value system which enables us to call our nation civilised. We have been systematically destroying this heritage for many years now, and are in very grave danger of losing all in our way of life that we value and cherish.

In the centre of the picture is the family – with its colours spreading out into every corner of the canvas. The family gives each individual a sense of identity and value, and is the place where we learn to live as part of a wider society.

And filling the rest of the picture is a multitude of individuals of every size, shape and colour, under the banner which reads, ‘Everyone is part of the picture’. In this nation, each and every person has a part to play and a contribution to make. Without any one, we are all the poorer.

THIS is the vision that we need to hold up before the nation. A vision of truth and hope.

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