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In the past keeping unwanted self-seeded ash, sycamore, brambles, nettles, rampant grass and weeds under control on Harnham Slope has been an ongoing slow, labour intensive and back-breaking manual task. FOHS was therefore delighted to take delivery on 1st December 2011 of a brand-new petrol driven brushcutter. Made by Stihl it should be well up to the task and with care and regular maintenance is expected to last for many a year. We are extremely grateful to the following for making their individual significant contributions to the acquisition of this useful addition to the FOHS “tools armoury”. There is no way that without their help and generosity we would have been able to obtain such a valuable and adaptable tool:

Salisbury City Council. Our thanks go to Salisbury City Council who, through the Parks Section, provided substantial funding assistance for the purchase of the brushcutter.

Salisbury Garden Machinery (of Churchfields Trading Estate). We are grateful for the advice, guidance and recommendations offered by Roger Rendell of Salisbury Garden Machinery, and also – and particularly – for his agreement to an extremely preferential price for the basic machine and the associated safety gear and spares. In these days of austerity it is heart-warming to find a local business willing to support community activities. The picture shows the FOHS Chair accepting the brushcutter from Salisbury Garden Machinery’s Roger Rendell.

Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE). Lastly, but by no means least, FOHS is very grateful to the CPRE for generously agreeing to fund the essential safety and maintenance training course needed before the equipment could be properly used.

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