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Modernising Development Control

Most issues facing local government are subject to a process of rapid change and reinvigoration – driven by huge advances in communications technology and a modernising agenda from government. Few services have been affected as much as planning and Development Control.

Two major developments in SDC’s own Planning Office are the rollout of it’s FASTRACK planning application scheme and the development of a state-of-the- art ‘planning- portal’. Head of Development Services, Cliff Lane, outlined the progress towards completion of both these projects.

Planning Portal

SDC gained further success in winning government money for IT projects in March when £350,000 of Invest to Save funds were awarded to aid in developing an online planning portal.

In partnership with West Dorset District Council and a private sector contractor, in the near future, a comprehensive, responsive and trailblazing service will be launched.

The portal will allow on-line submission of applications, viewing of proposals and registration of objections. To improve service to the applicants, they will be able to view the progress of their application as it goes through the planning system.

Furthermore, in partnership with Wandsworth LBC and the Welland Partnership in the East Midlands a further bid has been made for Pathfinder funds to enhance electronic service delivery.


FASTRACK has been with SDC since October last year and produced an immediate improvement in turn-around times.

Currently between 70% and 80% of all applications are determined, under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, by the Head of Development Services.

The Government’s Planning Green Paper: “Planning: delivering a fundamental change” pushed the boundaries even further, advocating levels of 90% of planning decisions delegated to officers to further speed up customer service.

This controversial step-change requires further evolution of the FASTRACK process already in operation at SDC, requiring a significant change in the current scheme of delegation. Before this change can be affected a consultation process with Members and Parishes and other stakeholders must get underway. In August a FASTRACK report will be making its way through each Area Committee, the Planning and Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Panel (10th September), the Cabinet (25th September) and finally Full Council on 21st October. At all stages, members of the public will have an opportunity to make representations.

Mr Lane was keen to stress that FASTRACK has real implications for Parish Councils and in order to influence it’s development it is vital that interested Parish and Town Councils have representatives at the relevant Area Committee meetings. (If you require any information on the dates of the Area Committee meetings, please contact the Democratic Services Unit.)

Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, Councillor John Noeken, further sought to reassure Parish and Town Councils that FASTRACK was not cutting them out of the loop and they will remain key consultees. The proposals (currently in draft form) are nothing less than common sense, but Parish and Town Councils will need to remain fully informed and be in a position to make any representations in good time.

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