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Key messages to SDC from Parishes

Richard Sheard, the Chief Executive of SDC, gave a review of the early feedback from the Corporate Performance Assessment which took place in January.

It was a very demanding week and there is no reason why the Council should not feel confident of a good result.

The initial feedback from the parishes indicated areas in which the Council is performing well. These included refuse collection, involving people, maintenance of council houses, area meetings and parish council involvement among others. The parishes had submitted their comments to the Council before the CPA inspection and you indicated that SDC should be better at recycling, keeping you informed of progress, sending you relevant literature and cutting out jargon amongst other issues.

Therefore the assessment has given us some key things to consider and improve and the Council will be focusing on such issues as staff turnover in planning and the community planning process.

Richard Sheard thanked those who had taken the time to submit their comments as it will provide a fertile ground for future work.

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