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Crime and Disorder Act 1998

Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 imposes a duty on all local authorities to [i]‘exercise their functions with due regard to the need to do all it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area‘.

Wilton Town Council, like every other Parish and Town Council, is a provider of many and varied local services. Therefore they have this duty under the legislation. The Town Council was keen to discover the implications of the legislation and how it can affect the discharging of their functions.

For example, an authority can have an impact on crime and disorder through the design of the built environment, or through consideration given to street lighting, footpaths and the quick repair of vandalised property.

Head of Community Initiatives, Lesley Waller suggested that any Parish and Town Councillors who would like to attend a training session, to learn about and discuss the implications of Section 17 of the Act on the services provided by them should contact her in the Community Initiatives Unit. Sessions would be become viable if between 8 and 10 names were put forward.

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