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Councillors Allowances

SDC to form a remuneration panel to look at Parish travel and subsistence payments.

Teffont, Whiteparish, Grimstead, Landford, Odstock and West Dean Parishes asked that this issue generally be addressed.

Stewart Agland explained that the District’s remuneration panel has waited until parishes ask for a parish panel to be established. This panel will now be convened but will only focus on travel and subsistence expenses as this is the main issue for parishes. It will not cover payment of parish councillors’ basic allowances unless formally requested to do so.

The remuneration panel will draw up a blanket scheme for all parishes based on the SDC allowance scheme and the parishes can then choose whether to adopt it or not. Tailor-made schemes for individual parishes could be drawn up but this would be at a cost.

The payment of councillors for duties is a matter for individual parishes. However, any scheme would have to have regard to the parish council’s budget and if they could afford to pay members.

Philippa Read of WALC commented that parishes should have regard to a panel when drawing up a remuneration scheme and therefore she recommended that parishes take on board the SDC scheme. However, the current legislation is badly worded and does not allow payment for co-opted members. The Government is looking into this. Contact Stewart Agland on 01722 434408

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