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Halloween quiz night photos 2010

Hallowe’en quiz evening with fish and chips supper: Janice Ford saw quizzers in at the door, Terry Shrapnell busily sold raffle tickets, and Martyn and Matthew Fry did a roaring trade on the bar. Barry Pritchard as quizmaster, in his Dracula-style cape and flashing horns, kept the evening on a real high. Sue Pritchard and Lin Shrapnell were efficient score keepers ensuring quizzers got double points when they played their joker and Rhys and Lewis Pritchard did a great job collecting score sheets and helping Sue and Lin to check them – well done lads! Heather Yaxley had once again devised an ingenious supper quiz for which all the teams shared the prize of a pack of chocolates, and Peter Ford took photographs. The evening’s winners were The Ghoulies and Barry presented them with a box of Roses chocolates and the trophy. The Morris Men and The Cauldron tied for second place and shared a box of Celebrations chocolates. Irene Adgie had kindly donated one of her water colours - The Sands at Salcombe, which Barry auctioned and which was won by Frank and Gwynneth Doran. Supper was provided by Chris Coles and Adam Long from The Frying Machine and, as always, was hot, crisp and delicious. Chris and Adam came into the Village Hall to receive everyone’s thanks which was given enthusiastically. A big Thank You to Barry, Sue, Rhys, Lewis, Lin, Terry, Martyn, Matthew, Heather, Chris, Adam, Peter and Janice; to Anna Lomax, Wardrobe Mistress of The Studio Theatre, for the loan of Barry’s cape; and to all those who donated raffle prizes, helped to set up and clear away afterwards and supported the event. You were so much appreciated.

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