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Emperor and Bear

THE EMPEROR AND THE BIG WHITE BEAR Joe and Sharon Jones gave us a wonderful evening with their beautiful film of the Antarctic Peninsula and Snow Hill. We saw breathtaking scenery, ice sculptures, seals taking their ease on the ice floes, and a pretty Arctic fox. But the stars were the polar bears and the penguins. The little bear cubs were enchanting, watching their mother and learning from her, and the penguins were so curious, especially the fluffy chicks who came right up to Joe and Sharon to be filmed. We were also pleased to welcome Claire Read and Claire Grover from Travellers’ World in Salisbury, who organise Joe and Sharon’s trips. In addition to a selection of their literature which attracted great interest, they brought life-sized models of a polar bear and a penguin which proved very popular. Lorna Kingdon saw people in at the door, Barry Pritchard was Master of Ceremonies, Betty Barnett sold raffle tickets for a selection of attractive prizes to which Joe and Sharon donated one of their lovely pictures, Terry Moore and Barbara Lowe looked after the refreshments, Jeremy and Debbie Fenlon were in charge of the bar, and Peter Ford took the photographs. May we say a big Thank You to Joe and Sharon for showing us what special places the polar regions of the world are and for sharing them with us, to the two Claires, and to everyone who helped set up and clear away, and all those who came to support the evening.

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