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Winterbourne Stoke Parish Plan Steering Group

Let me introduce you to new and exciting Group within the Village! They are called The Winterbourne Stoke Parish Plan Steering Group.

The Group is formed of local people from all walks of life, working voluntarily with the South Wiltshire Strategic Alliance.

The purpose of the Group is to form a Village plan.

The Group aim to achieve this by consulting with you, the resudents of Winterbourne Stoke about your wishes, issues and concerns for the area. This will involve talking to as many of you as possible, gathering information about how you would like to see the Village go forward to the future.

Over the comming months the Group will be contacting everyone in the village to ask what you think of your Village. The Group really do need your help, and what you say really does matter.

If you have any queries or idea's please contact me at the site or you can phone. My number is on the homepage.Also keep an eye on the notice boards in the Village and also in the local pub for other infofmation.

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