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St Marks Parents and Toddlers Group

St Marks Parents and Toddlers Group
For children aged 0 – 4 and their parents or carers

What are the aims of the group?
Friendship and mutual support for the parents, children learn to play and communicate with each other

Who runs the group?
Margaret Beaven

What happens in the group?
Children play, craft activities, ball games, singing, soft drink and healthy food for children, parents drink coffee and chat. All are invited to the annual Christingle service

Where and when does it meet?
Barrington Centre, Bishopdown, Fridays 10 am

What qualifications do the helpers have?
Margaret Beaven has worked with handicapped children for 15 years

Are all helpers CRB checked?
Yes, except for a new helper who is still seeing if she wants to join. If she joins, she will be CRB checked (Jan 2007)

Contact details
Margaret Beaven
Tel: 01722-323872

Contact website:

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