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St Andrews Parents and Toddlers Group

St Andrew's Parents and Toddlers Group
For parents and their pre-school children. We currently have about 27 children from Laverstock and Bishopdown Farm

What are the aims of the group?
Fun and fellowship

Who runs the group?
Jane Clarke with a committee of Mums. The group was originally set up by Bridget Trump of the Mothers' Union

What happens in the group?
Structured play, story time, singing, Mums have tea and coffee while children sit at the table to have a drink and small bowl of fruit. Once a year, Mums are invited to the Children’s Harvest Festival

Where and when does it meet?
Laverstock Village Hall
Thursdays during term-time, 10 – 12am

What qualifications do the helpers have?
They are Mums!

Are all helpers CRB checked?

Contact details
Rev Keith Robinson, Tel: 01722 504813

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