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Google Information

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A picture for Google

Google is a highly alabrative search engine that enables you to visit any search engine prior to the typed in keyword, e.g. typing in 'Animation', it shows you a whole brand of searchlinks that sends you directly to the brand that you wished to visit. Google is updating there website to find new ways of searching websites and specific formats for the benifits of users, by doing this they have produced tabs for the an easier route to selected destination e.g. Account tab, Calendar tab and Gmail tab, this should hopefully make users find it easier to browse there websites and others that they have chosen. These tabs show the destinct formats for more benificial needs e.g 'calender' to help you get up to date. In peronal experience, I believe that Google is a well organised and amazingly easy, self explanitory and offers the best choices. I helps the user to make use of there time and it isn't that stressful to use, these are the key components for making more user use this website. In my opinion, it's the best search engine I have used so far. Because 'Google' have good advertising, more people would visit the website to find out more about it, this invites more people to visit. Google is very beneficial towards special occasions because it animates its forum to match the occasion, and example of this is shown below, I crafted this Google is a highly alabrative search engine that enables you to visit any search engine prior to the typed in keyword, e.g. typing in 'Animation', it shows you a whole brand of searchlinks that sends you directly to the brand that you wished to visit. Google is updating there website to find new ways of searching websites and specific formats for the benifits of users, by doing this they have produced tabs for the an easier route to selected destination e.g. Account tab, Calendar tab and Gmail tab, this should hopefully make users find it easier to browse there websites and others that they have chosen. These tabs show the destinct formats for more benificial needs e.g 'calender' to help you get up to date. In peronal experience, I believe that Google is a well organised and amazingly easy, self explanitory and offers the best choices. I helps the user to make use of there time and it isn't that stressful to use, these are the key components for making more user use this website. In my opinion, it's the best search engine I have used so far. Because 'Google' have good advertising, more people would visit the website to find out more about it, this invites more people to visit. Google is very beneficial towards special occasions because it animates its forum to match the occasion, and example of this is shown below, I crafted this image shown above because i felt both had a close relevence to my site, so this is what i made.

contact : liam akpan
Email : Animator315@googlemail.com
Web : view the web site