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Gypsy and Traveller Shine age 5 to 13

Shine Community Bus - Gypsy and Traveller Children’s Club
For children up to the age of 13 from the Gypsy and Traveller community

What are the aims of the club?
To have fun. Reinforce learning, social skills and life-skills

Who runs the club?
Salisbury Baptist Church

What happens in the club?
After-school club – craft activities, cooking, board games and puzzles, reading. Encourage children to borrow books

Where and when does it meet?
Oaktree field, Odstock - Tuesdays 3- 4.45pm.
Lode Hill, Downton - Wednesdays 3- 4.45pm

What qualifications do the helpers have?
The team of volunteers is led by Alison Butterfield, Shine Development Co- ordinator. Some are teachers or nursery nurses

Are all helpers CRB checked?

Contact details
Alison Butterfield
Tel: 01722-413156

Contact address: Salisbury Baptist Church, Brown Street, Salisbury SP1 2AS

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