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Your Questions answered

Who can submit an idea?
Any employee or member of the public can submit an idea.

How does a member of staff get nominated for a service award?
An employee can be nominated by a colleague, supervisor, manager, member of the public or a Councillor. There must be a proposer and a seconder for each nomination. Where the proposer or seconder is not the supervisor or manager, they will be consulted.

What is 'outstanding performance' exactly?
Council employees all work hard to provide the best possible service for our customers. However, employees frequently exceed the normal requirements of the job. This may be a voluntary contribution to the service, a simple act of personal kindness, a special physical effort or some other action that improves the service or helps the community in some way. Such acts are often motivated by a genuine commitment to public service.

Who decides if my idea is good or if an employee or team should be rewarded?
A panel of staff drawn from all levels across the Council will consider all submissions.

Can I make a suggestion about my own job?
If your suggestion relates to your own job we will consult your manager or supervisor before submitting them to the Panel

Can I nominate a colleague for a performance reward?
Yes, you can nominate a colleague or a team. All we ask is that the nomination is signed by you and a seconder who supports the submission.

When can I submit my ideas?
You can submit ideas at any time of the year, why not do it now!

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