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Organ Lessons

ORGANISTS NEEDED!! Many churches are asking… … ‘we need an organist, do you know anyone that can play?’ the answer is all too often ‘no’. However... ...young musicians in Salisbury schools may take part in an Associate Organ Scholarship subsidised by the Salisbury based Tindall Trust. 30 minute lessons with Robert Fielding (left) priced at £10 each - flexible timetabling during school term - free use of two practice organs in Sarum College - the chance to play the Cathedral organ (!) - liaison with school music departments - high grades in associated board exams - guided placements in local churches. Lessons for adults available at £25 per hour. Robert Fielding is Organist and Master of the Choristers at Romsey Abbey (from Jan.2004) and is a free-lance organist, writer and choral director based in Salisbury. Please email for further details ( or ring 01722 741154.

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