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Therapies available

When feelings of disharmony appear it is a cry for help from your body, a signal that imbalance exists somewhere in your system. Now is the time to harness your own healing abilities to bring harmony and well being back into your life. You can often achieve this by the use of holistic therapies e.g. flower remedies, nutrition, removal of toxins from your system as well as hands on therapies. These all combine with self awareness to stimulate the body's own healing. An individual programme of treatment and self help can be tailored to suit your condition and lifestyle. You can maintain the level of well being you choose - it is never too late to start!

Aqua detox - is the revolutionary new way to self detoxify and rebalance your body's cells & energy field. Modern day living, stress and diet introduce toxins into your body which cause an electrical imbalance within your cells. It is a natural function of your cells to absorb nutrients and excrete waste products, any imbalance can prevent the cells from performing this function efficiently. Treatments are given through the feet, which are immersed in water in which an "Array" is placed. This causes the rebalancing which in turn allows the release of toxins through the 4,000 or so pores in the feet. The water changes colour depending on the amount of toxins released. Cost of treatment £30.00

Electro Accupuncture - is a modern diagnostic method of checking the body non invasively for Pathogens, whether viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, tropical diseases etc. Once detected these can be eliminated safely from the body with Nosodes and Homeopathic drainages. The diagnosis is performed by placing a probe from the testing device on to the accupuncture points on the hands and feet. No needles are used. Cost of consultation £40.00

Phytobiophysics - means the "Science of plants for the body" It is a method of analysis used to determine health on all levels. If we have unresolved stress or emotional issues, these can become trapped and cause long term health problems. The remedies are individually matched to each individual, allowing the release of emotional blocks and toxins allowing a return to health. Cost of consultation £40.00

Reiki Healing - activates the body's natural healing ability. The healing energy is drawn to where it is needed. It is non invasive, and is suitable for all ages, including pregnent women. Cost of treatment £25.00

Auricular therapy - or ear candling can be used successfully for many problems related to the ears and head area. The lymph system and metabolism can be favourably influenced by this extensive but pleasant and completely painless method of application. Treatments are beneficial for: Irritations in the ear and sinuses: pressure regulation for headache & migraine: Sinusitis & Rhinitis: activation of blood flow & Tinnitus. Cost of treatment £25.00