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Very probably I am missing something, however the last lot of Parish Minutes I can find on Nadder Focus. Com relate to the Parish Meeting of February 8th.2008. On that occasion eight of our eleven Parish Councillors managed to attend the meeting. Two others presented their apologies for absence. Of these two one has since resigned from the Council. Possibly the second lady so to do over the past year. I quite accept the Village was given due statutory notice of the latest Vacancy. However I for one never heard about it at the time of that notification the which would have been displayed on the Parish Notice Board outside the Elizabeth Hall.

Why operate a Parish Council Web Site if not to publicise what SHOULD BE a matter of Public Interest? Was this resignation reported in FOCUS Magazine? There was a diverse assemblage in the Hinton Hall on 18th June 2008. The attendees included a high proportion of Tisbury’s ‘Moved and Shaken.’ Of the two speakers both mentioned the difficulty of attracting persons to stand as Parish Councillors. This was not a meeting called by the TISBURY PARISH COUNCIL, but surely if there was any wish for the RECRUITMENT of a New Parish Councillor it would have required little gumption for any Councillor aware of the resignation of one of their number to mention the vacancy then.

One must respect that Parish Councillors stand with the best of intent however it really is time that we had an Election lest the co- option process becomes too incestuous. It is too late to call for one now . The obvious answer is that another time any whingers and others should themselves stand. One may wonder why so few of us do? Possibly it is a matter of the initial reserve of Newcomers to a Village in the face of ubiquitous obsequiousness; or the later realisation of the ineffectiveness as a co-opted Councillor amidst other Parish Councillors whose selection the Parish Residents never endorsed either.

Regrettably too many of our ‘Co-opted’ Parish Councillors of the last session fell by the wayside. Whichever the legitimate reasons for that, it might too be because the Co-opting Councillors , when given the choice, might have chosen another? Was not one of the Current Council Officers, ‘not selected’ when she first offered her services? A Parish is better represented by a diversity of interests. Earlier this month I saw there was to be an Election in a Norfolk TISBURY Style Conurbation. There were no less than three candidates standing to fill the one vacancy.

A while back consideration was given to the provision of a better sited Notice Board for public use. The Car Park was mentioned. What happened concerning this proposal? Still the Village is bespattered by Music Café and all manner of telegraph pole advertisement. Dedicated Notice Boards outside the Fire Station, and for the Sports Centre, Carnival Committee etc. etc. Not to mention the display cases outside the Victoria Hall which are usually empty of meaningful display, and the Parish Council Notice Board. The Hardware shop gives an opportunity for display, as too does the smart new display case that has appeared on the wall of the Post Office. There are notice boards in the Church’s Hinton Hall and the Elizabeth Hall and possibly many other places, including the window of the Newsagent and its return wall, which the Angling Club, and Tis Vis, and a local Pamphleteer utilise. Then of course there are some twenty six pages to be bought in Focus. We do better than West Tisbury who seemingly have but the Parish Council Notice Board. Why can not Tisbury get its act together?
31 July 2008 11:21

I append below a typescript of the notice written by the Tisbury Parish Clerk.



One of the Tisbury Parish Councillors has recently resigned. Although advertisement by Salisbury DC called for, but did not produce, more than 10 electors to ask for an election, such electors did not make themselves known. Consequently, a new Parish Councillor will need to be co-opted.


If more than one person is interested, there will need to be a vote (amongst the present Councillors) following a short informal presentation by those interested at the meeting on Tuesday 2nd September at 7pm. Please contact the Parish Clerk on 828699 by Tuesday 26th August 2008 if you require further details or would like to volunteer. ****************************************

contact : John B. Pope
Email : pionono@tiscali.co.uk