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Marjorie in the Winter

A picture for TIS COMPOST

Item 10g on the Agenda of Tisbury Parish Council’s February Meeting concerned the Composting Scheme. I was tempted to attend their meeting to hear what the Parish Councillors might have to say concerning it, but was fearful of doing so, having no wish that any should think me there to gloat in self righteousness. Word had got around the Parish that the scheme had been abandoned, my wife insisting that she had so advised me before the New Year. She had heard the news from a friend whose house over looks the site. I having no recollection of being so advised decided to assess the matter personally. Whilst in the Paper Shop en route who should be there ahead of me, but a Parish Councillor. Possibly she had better things to think about on her way to Church, for my enquiry as to what had happened to her compost heap was taken personally , so at first drew a complete blank. However disappointingly I then was advised that it certainly hadn’t been abandoned, and was now in the hands of a particular Parish Councillor. Well obviously one had to go up to see the lay of the land for oneself. How very neat and tidy the site looked, someone had done a lot of work to make it so. Well filled compost bins, with plastic bags of other unsold compost stacked up along side. The Bonfire and the equine compost mound were no more. All was ready for ‘Another Opening, Another Show’. Unfortunately the wind had had the cover off the shredding machine Tisbury Parish Council bought , which emphasised that if it wasn’t yet a pile of old junk, the machine very soon would be. When I related all this good news back at ‘The Ranch’ my wife insisted that the Composting Scheme was no more, after all there was that sign at the entry advising that the site was closed, and her friend had confirmed the matter. Fortunately I taken photographs.


Monday, 7 February 2011.

A picture for TIS COMPOST

contact : John B. Pope