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We are a new club started this year in Shrewton. The club was the idea of myself and a friend. We are both keen gardeners and wanted to be involved in a garden club. Alas one could not be found and so we decide to start our own.

The club meets on the third Tuesday of every month at the Methodist Hall in Shrewton; from 19.30 to 21.00. We charge £2.50 per person and this covers the cost of the hall, refreshments and tips for the month. Our age group is varied as is our experience.

We hold a raffle each month, but vary the meetings. We have had a variety of speakers ranging from the carbon footprint and the environment, flower arranging to willow weaving. We encourage members to get involved during the meetings and have a go. We have on average 15 members each month and would invite you to join in with us. Please contact me if you would like to know more.

Tel : 01980621757
Email : Shadowsworld@hotmail.co.uk