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Christmas Greetings

A picture for Snow Line Greeting

With all the best of seasonal greetings, to my reader at Christmas. Currently a time of chaos for one and all.

It was nice to see the Wiltshire Unitary Authority gritting the road from Tisbury to Dinton. Not sure that such a thing has happened before in the decades of our residence. Thanks too to Farmer ‘P.S.’ for bucket shovelling the snow off the road to the Quarry, and his provision of grit.

Overall the trains and the aeroplanes didn’t perform very well, and a friend dependent on something called Careline was left unattended by them. One also heard tell of a man in Chilmark who was similarly seemingly abandoned by Careline. It is perfectly understandable that Carers may be unable to make it in the snow, however surely Careline might have advised clients, or their clients’ neighbours of their inability to attend using the telephone apparatus? I recall that my mother had an alarm button hired from the Salisbury District Council. If they could alert friends or neighbours of a problem, surely Careline could do so too?

A picture for Snow Line Greeting

contact : Papalscope
Email : pionono@tiscali.co.uk