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Lover & Redlynch PreSchool February Update

Last month, whilst we were looking at Kings, Queens and castles, the children wrote a letter to the Queen, asking her all manner of questions, about her life and where she lives. Well, we are pleased to report that we have received a reply from Her Majesty, addressed to the children and containing much of the information that they were keen to know. We were all delighted with the response, and also the information pack that they sent us. We celebrated several festivals and important days running up to the half term.They included Pancake Day (when the children tossed their own play pancakes), Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year and we also looked at Al-Hijra. The children enjoyed the experiences of new foods and activities based on these days, we all had a lot of fun. Next term we start by looking at "Keeping Healthy" and hope to involve the children in thinking about and planning our outside play area. We do have an informative pack and suggestion box, inside the pre-school (relating to our outside area) to enable the parents to also become involved and have an input. It could be an amazing space, so please put forward your ideas! We have an Easter Trail and a cake sale planned for Saturday 19th March, and we would be delighted to see you all there.

Hilary has now finished her NVQ2 training at Romsey School and has now been promoted to Deputy Pre-school Leader. We are also very pleased to welcome Michelle McAlpine as a member of our permanent staff.

We still run our Tuesday lunch club and have now added a Thursday lunch club as well, both of which finish at 12.50pm. The children are really enjoying their new independence and sharing lunchtime together and the parents are enjoying their new found time! For anyone interested in their child joining us please contact either Jane Soutar or Veronica Batchelor on the numbers given below.

We are open every morning Mon – Fri during term time from 09:00 to 11:45 and will always provide a warm welcome to any new child (and parent!) wanting to experience this important start to their learning and development. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we offer a lunch club which extends the session to 12:50pm. If you would like any further details then please contact either Jane Soutar on 01725 512949 or Veronica Batchelor on 01725 510295 (during opening times).

Lover and Redlynch Toddler Group Our toddler group meets every Wednesday during term time from 09.30 – 11.30am. Please join us for play, crafts, nursery rhymes and of course coffee and a chat!

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