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5Tried and Tested Ways to get a Website working 2

6. Use Sky Blue as a background colour. It appeals to people.

7. Just one page and the application form at the bottom will capture more leads. Make it easy for people to contact you. Additional pages will help get you into the search engines.

8. We have found that sound or music on a website which starts playing immediately the site loads is a big turn-off.

9. To get people to your site, you can use pay per click, put the website on national print advertising, or put it on your cards and flyers and your car. This was the magic part. We actually got free leads once the initial website investment was paid for. This was not only a very low cost investment. It was one that paid for itself within two months. Whichever method you use, do alot of it. Traditional advertising is like using a sheep dog to drive the sheep into the pen.

10. Always use a Autoresponder or Contact Manager to follow up on previous contacts. It has taken us 7 years to find the right one. Some will buy the first time but some of the highest achievers in a lot of businesses did not grasp the concept immediately. Some took up to 5 years.

For free information contact Alison & Michael Ogden 115 Countess Road Amesbury SP4 7AR Tel 01980 626498 Permalink: a=66342

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