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THE HINDON LANE DEVELOPMENT. Was the subject of a presentation in Tisbury earlier this week. At the end of the question and answer session the two man team from Messrs Fry was complimented for coming to Tisbury to update us. For the little its worth I compliment them too, with the reservation that the plan projected would have been easier to understand had the Nadder School building been shown to the left of the site, rather than to its right. Fitting all onto the screen seemingly the explanation for that, although never quite understood how that accounted for the occurrence.

There was a tendency for some members of the congregation to metaphorically speaking, plough up old ground, their concerns were later referred to by the Team Vicar, who it seems has prior knowledge of planning matters.

Whether or not the Village approves of the building of ninety houses off Hindon Lane or not, Messrs Fry have been to no end of trouble to meet Village concern half-way. Since we didn’t like the plan, they instructed a new Architect, he drew up a plan more suited to the semi-rural nature of the Village. Since we didn’t care for the proposed roundabout, they were as willing to make it a ‘T’ Junction, but if that was so there might better be a narrowing of Hindon Lane, but the meeting didn’t care for that, so the matter remains open to discussion with planners. What someone asked of the once proposed Community Area? The Village and Parish Council bartered that for a contribution of £400,000 pounds, in lieu of the construction of six extra houses on site, and the thirty acres of land we are to have use of. Someone else who had lived here all her life enquired about ‘Cheap Housing’ for local young people. The ‘Cheap Housing’ was to be inter mingled between all the other houses, and would more likely than not come into the ownership of an Housing Association either for renting out, or on a co-ownership basis. The former can be problematic. One thing we can be sure about is that all the HOO-HA concerning this application, will be financially reflected in the sale price of each and every property.

Someone else expressed concern over the drainage of either kind. Apparently that is no sort of a problem. One Parish Councillor commented that he occasionally got a whiff of the Wessex Water re-cycling unit where he lived at the end of the Avenue. How sagacious of him not to live either down wind or stream of it. Those who do aren’t even permitted to empty their septic tanks there at.

THERE WAS MENTION OF THAT GATE designed to give access to the Nadder School premises. Possibly the Council may exercise their option to repurchase the school when the Plymouth Brethren move to Wilton in September next year. The suggestion being that the place be used as a Training Location. There is a requirement that there be access to it off the Fry Estate, the idea being that in general the gate should remain locked. There was a suggestion made by MR? That there should be no gate, on the basis that the CHURCHILL ESTATE
‘should share the pain of the Hindon Lane.’
The Gentleman was most articulate but left some of us wondering what benefit there was in the suggestion. The Churchill Estate Access is near lethal at the best of times, and hardly negotiable in the snow and ice. That being so the tendency will be for Churchillians to access their Estate via the Hindon Lane approach, and having done so ,compete for Fry’s new parking areas, as well may too un-landed Hindon Lane residents.

Friday, 24 September 2010

contact : John B. Pope