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Body Massage
Massage is the manipulation of soft tissue from top to toe. Relaxing, de-stressing, soothing and calming. It’s a gentle detoxifier for the body, improves circulation, relieves aches and pains and promotes a feeling of well-being.

Indian Head Massage
Gentle massage to remove stress and discomfort in the head, neck, shoulders and back. It improves circulation, soothes nerve endings, calms and refreshes and relieves aches and pains and gently detoxifies the body.

Pressure technique applied to the feet where all the internal body structures and organs are mapped or mirrored in miniature. It is a simple non-invasive treatment which helps the body to maintain a delicate balance. It reduces stress, is relaxing, improves circulation, cleanses the body of toxins, and revitalises energy.

Sports/Injury Treatments
Deep Tissue massage and manipulation using either hands-on or mechanical massagers to relieve tension and injury. When combined with Ultrasound, a strong penetrating treatment can be used to relieve tissue injury effectively deep inside the body.

Hopi Ear Candles(Thermo Auricular Therapy)
A natural way of syringing the ears using the special knowledge of the Hopi tribes people, who for centuries have been using ear candles made from natural organic materials and herbs to cleanse and treat problems related to the ear and head area. The gentle heat stimulates the blood circulation to aid the immune system and gently deep cleanse the ears of wax.

Waxing & Sugaring
Use of warm wax or organic sugaring process to remove unwanted body hair.

Skenar Therapy
Electrical stimulus (similar to acupuncture) for pain relief and healing. Works in conjunction with the central nervous system to balance and create healing and harmony within the body. Reduces inflammation, swelling and allergic reaction.

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