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Water Colours 2009

Water Colour 2010

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Water Colour Painting with Salisbury U3A

A picture for Brush-Strokes

I joined the Salisbury U3A Water Colour Painting group at the beginning of 2009 and am enjoying it immenseley. My experience of water colour was non existent and the only paint brush that I had used since leaving school was a 2 inch pure bristle Harris decorating brush.

It was with some trepidation that I attended my first 2 hour session on a Tuesday afternoon in the local scout hut. I was met with a warm welcome and a friendly atmosphere. The group leader, Tom Coombs is a very talented painter and has given me excellent guidance.

Realistically I know that my paintings are not masterpieces, but I get a lot of pleasure from painting with the group. Under Tom's instruction I have progressed and now know which end of the brush to hold. My paintings have become useful in planning and designing this practice Web Site. When sufficiently experienced I hope to move on to designing a comprehensive Web Site for Family History. Meanwhile have a look at my paintings and maybe you will say "I can do better than that" and join a U3A Painting Group.

contact : Les Hankinson