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MOTHER'S HELP/HOME HELP SECRETARIAL/ADMIN SERVICES (bill paying, letters, filing, post, answering telephone). ERRAND RUNNING (eg, shopping, collecting prescriptions, collecting items/articles). LIGHT HOUSEWORK, (including ironing) HOUSE DE-CLUTTER (tidying up that room so you can have a guest to stay, taking the rubbish to the tip) ALL PETS SERVICES! (walking, feeding, boarding, sitting. This can include feeding the cat, the goldfish, guinea pig etc!), WAITING IN FOR DELIVERIES HOUSE SITTING/GRANNY SITTING/BABY SITTING COMPUTER HELP (setting up on-line banking, eBay buying and selling, Shopping online for food or other items, emails etc. HOUSE HUNTING (are you looking to move to this area, then let us do the leg work for you) DECORATING A ROOM AT HOME (staying in for builders, plumber, gas man and check that all that should be done is done!) GARDENING (Mowing the lawn, weeding the flower bed, planting bulbs) HOLIDAY HOME (keeping an eye on your holiday home, cleaning, making up beds, welcome pack etc) DOCTOR/DENTIST/SPECIALIST APPOINTMENTS (driving to the appointment and accompanying the client to the appointment and returning home) COOKING (cooking a meal for the client at home, or helping with a dinner party, serving and clearing up). We can step in for a ‘one-off’ hour or day (in fact whatever suits you), or we can be booked on a regular basis. We work flexible hours to fit in with your day. This list is by no means exhaustive, whatever job you require done, DO PLEASE ASK even if it’s not on the list.

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