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A picture for The Last Supper on the Pitch

A Parish Council elected by the common ‘man’ at long last. The Parish should be obliged equally to all who stood for election. A while back each and everyone of them would have become a Parish Councillor for then there were thirteen seats on the Parish Council, which never was an auspicious number to seat about a table.

West Tisbury had but nine nominations for its nine seats so its circa 500 voters had no choice in the selection of its Parish Councillors. One did note that its Parish Clerk came top of the Poll for Councillors in Tisbury Parish.

Chatted to another ageing man this Sunday Morning who was tending his Allotment behind The Sacred Heart. After admiring his husbandry, I mentioned my theory that the Church’s Land would, if the owners were so minded, be the ideal place in the Village for the construction of a multi purpose Village Community Hall, being as the area is easily accessible to the Station, The Free Car Park. ( Apparently provided by courtesy of the Parish Council!) The Playing Field, The Social Club and the Bowls Club, and our Children’s splendid Play Area. He didn’t react unfavourably to the idea, but advised that all he’d heard was mention of the probability of housing being built on the site anon. He was a bit surprised to hear of the £400,000 that the outgoing Parish Council allocated as it saw fit last year, and when advised that some of the money was being spent for the benefit of the Fonthill Cricket Club, he advised me that Councillors had no idea how to spend money. When I asked whether he had voted on May 2nd, he said that he hadn’t , because he had no time for Councillors of any sort. As Shakespeare put it ‘There is the Rub.’

THE OFF CENTRE CAMPUS. Remains inaccessible to most of us, and its approach through the Churchill Estate seems offensive to the residents there of. I really can not understand why the Churchill Residents didn’t troop to the Polling Booths en masse to register their concern for the safety of their children. Other persons have other views, but I think the Campus is an opportunistic nonsense which will cost the Village dear. Yes we do need a Community Centre, but surely this shouldn’t be it.

LITTER AND LITERATURE. Whilst so wandering, I too saw a crowd, not only beside the Lake* and beneath the trees, but elsewhere as well. Not the last of a host of golden daffodils fluttering and dancing in the breeze, but a heap of Rubbish at the far end of the Football field, beside the gate accessing both the Bowls Green and the Children’s play area ( and an effectively empty Rubbish Bin !) , This heap consisted of some forty empty shiny packets of ‘Cool it’ complete with straws, and their original Cardboard Boxes; part filled and empty bottles of Cola and Lemonade and lolly sticks. Amidst the debris a till slip for some of it issued by the CO-OP Time stamped 14.32:09 yesterday afternoon. I don’t suppose it was the Members of The Bowls Club who left this LITTER nor the Children as such, but whomsoever it was. Please take your litter home with you.
* (The now dried up Billabong illustrated on this web site 25th November 2012.)

Elsewhere on every passing Telephone Pole were fly postings concerning forthcoming Car Boot Sales and all manner of other attractions


The Delicatessen and the Post Office offer such facilities for small notices, and there is posting space for the Parish Council’s Notices in two different places on the High Street, but no space easily accessible to the General Public. May one suggest if no in the Car Park, then on the way down to The Tisbury Social Club . One notes that the more enterprising have hoisted their own Notice Boards in the most surprising of locations! I’ve been tempted to do the same, but am fearful the Neighbours might disapprove.

The Post Office advertised the Dramatis Personae of the recent election well enough in its window. Very decent of it to do so . HOWEVER that it fell to them so to do, confirms there is a need for a proper NOTICE BOARD. I recall Tisbury was promised one several years back, so where is it ? Locked cabinets remain inaccessible to all.

18th May 2013.

contact : John B. Pope