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Save Church Buildings

A picture for Save Church Architecture

This coupon comes from the Sunday Telegraph. It has nothing to do with Religion,but has everything to do with ancient buildings in our towns and villages.

It has nothing to do with going to Church on Sunday, but because Congregations have understandably diminished, and the Church Commissioners made such a mess of Church finances, there is insufficient money available for the upkeep of our superb Ecclesiastical Architectural Heritage.

There are far too many Churches that cater to the Christian Faith, many of every sect will need to close if retained for current usage. It is time for reamalgamation of Congregations, and time for Church Buildings to be returned to the communities whose money finaced the building in the first place. It is all very well that small congregations,raise money for first aid solutions,but the Generation that currently raises funds is going the way of all flesh.Please sign the docket above and return it to the address shown.

contact : John B. Pope
Email : pionono@tiscali.co.uk