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I wouldn't suppose too many Tisburians get to read The Mirror Newspaper, but one heard tell that like the Curate's Egg it is good in parts. One of my Blogsters has brought and article from it to my attention, an article I commend to you.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk- news/right-to-buy-housing-shame-third- ex-council-1743338 (BR) Not sure a Hyperlink will work ,but if it doesn't cutting and pasting should do as well.(BR) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk- news/right-to-buy-housing-shame-third- ex-council-1743338(BR)

Way back in 1978 and again in 1979 when offering my services as a District Councillor in the New Forest, I did so an an Independent, on two specific counts. The first was that I cared for neither the Conservative's idea of selling off the Council's housing stock, ( nor approve of Mrs Thatcher's similar error, the enfranchisement of Leasheld Property, the Freeholds of which were owned by others.)

My second was that I did not wish the Ampress Works Site in Lymington given over to the building of heaven only knows how many new houses for retirees. Such planning permission was granted. However happily was never put into effect, so now the Old Ampress Works as owned by Messrs Wellworthy ( Same as was in Salisbury) is a splendid Light Industrial Area, providing work for many, and the Site is shared by The New Forest Lymington District Hospital.

Here in Tisbury there are not dissimilar rumblings concerning the Station Works, old Parmiter Site, and our Government is again encouraging the sale of Social Housing (Council Housing).

This May 2nd 2013 there should not only be elections to the Parish Councils but too to the Unitary Authority. No doubt other well meaning persons will offer their Services to our community, however if all any wish to do , is sit in Council and nod his or her head in agreeance, why bother? Our Parish isn't the Parish it was when I arrived here thirty three years ago, certainly not the Parish it was when a Distant Cousin was baptised in St. John's Church in August 1799.( Unfortunately she didn't survive the experience).

Hopefully this will show The New Forest Lymington Hospital. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps? q=Lymington+District+Hospital&hl=en&ll=5 0.787272,-1.539459&spn=0.244832,0.44838& sll=50.861366,-1.267591&sspn=0.264812,0. 44838&t=h&hq=Lymington+District+Hospital &z=11&layer=c&cbll=50.7695,-1.545727&pan oid=XKXhwL38N-iF- 9fHFLP7sA&cbp=12,165.38,,0,26.59

contact : John B. Pope