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Noah's Epiphany Ark

A picture for Epithany

One is indebted to Pooh the potter for this reinterpretation of the Epiphany which is now relocated in Royal Berkshire ,Pooh fearing as she did there’d be no room for it at the Sacred Heart Church’s next Summer Exhibition, on account of a proposal that space be shared for the display of Noah’s Arks.

Is that proposal associable with the rain that befell Tisbury Parish on Sunday 3rd.January 2016. Had Father Robert been warned that the still un- drained Football Ground might overflow into the Sacred Heart itself so occasioning a need for Arks? Before moving here we were reassured to have as our neighbour ‘Wid’ who’d Captained The Ark Royal herself, not that he ever brought the Vessel home with him, but we did see him Captaining it on TV as he sang *‘We are Sailing.’ But which our Guiding Star of East let alone West Tisbury?

Trouble is that people never learn. Quite obviously the story of Noah’s Ark in both The Holy Bible and Quran, is a warning of what our fate might be, should Councils refrain from the maintenance of ditching and drainage, at least until some ‘App’ becomes available to ward off the forces of Nature. Maybe though Governance needs to reassess its priorities.

That apart all very best wishes for the New Year to everyone.

*‘We are Sailing’ https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Y461KEUjhIk Probably this will not work as a hyperlink but if cut and pasted into your browser it will work. Think this rendition of the song may be the only one from The Ark Royal not as yet deleted.

The picture below is of Noah's Ark.

A picture for Epithany

contact : John B. Pope
Email : brownfieldpope@gmail.com